For high-level athletes, a professional career generates specific needs in financial matters as well as in other areas. This career is played out over a short period of time, with a change of profession to be expected generally before the athlete reaches the age of 40. The income is generally irregular with a peak in mid-career. The income can be from different sources (salary, bonus, image rights, etc.), and it may be received in different countries successively (fiscal implications).
It is essential to be supported by specialised service providers both during and after this career. Alpha Patrimoine is recognised for the quality of its financial support services and our sports clientele appreciates the flexibility of our management services which are adapted to the evolution of their career. During the course of a career, capital protection is the main objective. The capital is made available at different stages of the career to allow for a smooth change of career or to face up to unforeseen circumstances. Inheritance planning is also an integral part of our services.
Our independence allows us to work solely in the interest of our clients by always choosing the most suitable partners or products. It also allows us to advise our clients impartially about different fields (property, specific investment solutions, etc) or to ensure a monitoring function on the different components of our clients’ assets.